A Better Campaign

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1. Brett Broesder: Intro to Win the Future

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Brett Broesder: Intro to Win the Future Brett Broesder

Welcome to Win the Future, a podcast where we chat with folks who are tackling the most significant challenges our communities face today, which aim to make for a better tomorrow.

I’m your host Brett Broesder. This is Episode 1.

This podcast is all about you — the listener — and providing easily digestible, 20-minute episode, actionable content.

Most of the interviews will have a New England-bend, but we’ll also speak with folks at the regional, national, and international levels.

Now, before we close, I’m hoping you’ll follow us on social media -- Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter -- and let us know how we’re doing.

Also, in advance of most episodes, we’ll post who the upcoming guest is going to be. When we do that, please feel free to either comment on the post -- or email me at brett@abettercampaign.com -- and we’ll do our best to work your question, or questions, into the interview.